Solana network has been hosting a rapidly growing NFT ecosystem since 2021. This ecosystem provides a blockchain-based infrastructure facilitating the transfer and storage of valuable digital assets. Solana's NFT ecosystem has garnered significant interest among artists, developers, and collectors by offering a wide variety in the creation, trade, and collection of unique digital assets. However, prominent figures in this dynamic ecosystem are often not widely recognized by the general audience. While enthusiasts and developers follow thousands of accounts, who are truly the key figures within Solana? This is precisely where a bot I developed on Twitter comes into play, aiming to unveil a list of important figures in the Solana NFT ecosystem by uncovering mysterious names, shedding light on unknown aspects, and bringing the community closer together.

The Logic Behind the Research

When I first entered the Solana NFT ecosystem in 2021, one of the first accounts I followed was Solbigbrain. Bigbrain consistently followed and shared only important accounts. Before minting a project, I would check if solbigbrain was following it. Based on this logic, I created a mint check Twitter account and followed only individuals I deemed important in the market. When considering minting a project, I began assessing how many of the individuals I followed were also following the project. My research logic is built on this foundation. Currently, there is a plethora of accounts in the ecosystem, making it challenging to determine which ones are truly significant. To address this, I initially utilized the websites and to identify the highest-volume collections on the Solana network, their teams, and a 400-person list composed of the most influential influencers. Using the bot I coded, I obtained a list of 2,077,234 individuals followed by these 400 people. I calculated the frequency of each account's name on this list to identify the most valuable Twitter accounts. While the top 30 names on the list might be expected figures, as we go further down, I encounter names not previously seen in the ecosystem.

Before looking at the results, a brief explanation: the numbers next to the Twitter links indicate how many accounts followed by the bot are following those accounts. For example, for our initial results, I inputted 400 accounts into the bot and reached a total of 2,077,234 account data. Out of those 400 accounts, 318 are following Aeyakovenko and 305 are following SOLBigBrain. You need to examine the data in this way.


In conclusion, the Solana NFT ecosystem is not limited to only major projects and famous names. The research results demonstrate the existence of many individuals contributing valuable efforts and shaping the future within this ecosystem. This information allows for a broader perspective on the evaluation of the Solana NFT ecosystem.

By focusing on the unsung heroes within the Solana NFT ecosystem, this research has contributed to the community's development towards a deeper and more interactive structure. The intriguing aspect lies in observing how future projects and developments will unfold with these valuable names. Undoubtedly, the Solana NFT ecosystem will continue to enrich itself with the valuable names behind the scenes.

<aside> 📌 I just checked the most followed 50 individuals by the above-mentioned 400 people out of curiosity, and the results are here.

Top list by 50


Let's take a closer look at Solana's team.

Based on the data I have gathered from Twitter, the Solana core team and software engineers consist of approximately 100 people. Let's examine the commonalities among these individuals.
